In hypermesh getting the values of the panel dimension are important for hand calculations or reporting the comps properties.
*createmarkpanel comps 1 "Select panels"
set complist [hm_getmark comps 1]
foreach comp $complist {
*createmark elems 1 "by component" $comp
foreach {x_min y_min z_min x_max y_max z_max } [hm_getboundingbox elems 1 0 0 0] {}
set Xmin $x_min
set Ymin $y_min
set Zmin $z_min
set Xmax $x_max
set Ymax $y_max
set Zmax $z_max
set dimx [expr $Xmax - $Xmin]
set dimy [expr $Ymax - $Ymin]
set dimz [expr $Zmax - $Zmin]
puts "$comp X=$dimx Y=$dimy Z=$dimz"